Today, February 15, marks our 16th Anniversary here at Innovate Dental Marketing! It feels like only yesterday that we were starting, with one simple desired outcome;
To continually improve the Marketing and Communications efforts of our clients.
And 16 years later, here we are fulfilling that desired outcome…month after month, year after year, without EVER having a contract in place to artificially bind us to our clients. We have continued to work together because you have continued to find value in our efforts and results! Because you have trusted our judgments and tribal knowledge. Because you find certainty in our Marketing and Communications efforts. Because you think we’re funny, knowledgeable, and trustworthy. Because you have faith in us.
Whatever that reason is that connects you with us, I say with a warm and grateful heart…
Thank you!
It is because of YOU that we have succeeded over these last 16 years! It is because of YOU that we continue to develop! It is because of YOU that we continue to Innovate, Grow, and Thrive.
Thank you for your continued faith, trust, and commitment to us. We are more grateful than you could ever imagine!
Thank you!
Michael Fleming